We’re glad you found us!
The BHRC connects Dane County residents to mental health and substance use services.
(608) 267-2244
2450 Rimrock Road, Suite 301 Madison, Wisconsin 53719
Dane County residents can call the BHRC between 7:45am-4:30pm M-F. Leave us a message if no one is available and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.
(608) 267-2244
English select Option 1
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Dane County residents can reach out to the BHRC for assistance by using the online information form. Click on the link below and let us know how we can help connect you to behavioral health resources.
We want to hear about your experience working with the BHRC through a survey linked below. The BHRC greatly values your feedback as we strive to improve services and care coordination between people and resources.